October 2018 General Meeting Minutes

Helman Elementary School PTA


October 09, 2018

6:30pm – 8:00pm

Helman Library

  1. Call to Order/Introductions/Attendance
    1. Called to order at 6:31pm
    1. Attendance: Joe Shannon (President), Keri Pennell (VP), Shane Hunter (Treasurer), Amy Merwin (Secretary), Michelle Cuddeback (Principal), Becky Sniffen, Russ Johnson, Richard Halpert, Leah Halpert, Rich Stickle (from AFP), Eva Skuratowicz (Board Member), Erin Endress, Anita David, Lisa Yamashita

  2. Approval of Minutes
    1. Keri made a motionto pass the minutes as written. Motion passed by vote.

  3.  Financial Report
    1. PTA has about $21,000 in current funds. 
      1. Some is restricted to Scholarship Fund, Backpack Program, and HUG Fund.
      1. Hoedown Cupcake Shake brought in $1439 (even without donation box). Pre-sale for tickets is helpful. Hoedown expenses came in under budget.
      1. Walkathon is now able to take donations online.
      1. Janet Voorhies has asked to be able to spend the $200 that she did not spend last year because the items she wanted to order for students were on back-order (will vote on that). Shane made a motionto temporarily increase Janet’s budget from $200 to $400 just for this year. Motion passed by vote. 
      1. Amy made a motionto pass the Treasurer’s Report as written. Motion passed by vote.

  4. Special Guests
    1. Ashland School Board – Facilities Bond (Eva)
      1. Bond on November election: Measure 15-178. No lawn signs but person-to-person discussion to spread the word. Encourage friends to vote “yes.” Employees of district cannot urge anyone to vote “yes” but elected officials (such as board members) can encourage people to vote “yes.” 2006 bond is ending. Stay at 2006 rate, not raise taxes. At Helman: library and gym built from 2006 bond. Primary focus of bond is health and safety. Focus on making buildings safe for smoke, climate change (air-conditioning), security (single-point entries), seismic safety, rebuilding Walker School, reducing maintenance costs, and bathroom issues. Employees (and more) surveyed to find out what is important at schools.
      1. Eva answered questions.
      1. Length of bond is 25 years (previous was 12 years). Will not raise civilian taxes. In 20thyear, there is a step-down at which time a new bond can be started. $109 million bond.
    1. Ashland Food Project – Rich Stickle
      1. Project started in 2009. Grown to 2800 participating households. Every two months, 26,000 to 30,000 pounds of food is collected for the Ashland Food Bank. 33 new donors were signed up at Walker and Bellview Back-to-School nights. AFP provides 40% of the Food Bank food. 
      1. Website is www.ashlandfoodproject.com
      1. AFP is currently doing community outreach to add new donors.
      1. Green bags picked up on porch every 2 months.
      1. Most people who use the food bank or poor families and seniors.

  5. Debrief Session
    1. Helman Hoedown/Cupcake Shake
      1. Financials reported in Treasurers Report. Under budget for expenses.
      1. Successful evening! A big “thank you” to all food donors. We should write thank you cards: Ella Bella Farms, Back Porch BBQ, Pump House (loaned the grill), Shop ‘n’ Kart, all other donors, and Helman Staff for all their work and Teachers for serving the food.
      1. Second music station (maybe live) at food section of Hoedown.
      1. Maybe “Henry the Dragon” should be at Hoedown next year.

  6. Upcoming Events
    1. Walkathon 10/16 (Erin Endress and Committee)
      1. Expenditures: higher than last year because long-term envelopes were purchased. 
      1. Prize budget is $10 per classroom.
      1. Healthy snacks available for afterward.
      1. Local restaurant-owner is baking muffins. Commercial kitchen-will provide ingredients.
      1. Erin requesting $100 additional to budget.
      1. Shane made a motionto approve $100. Motion passed by vote.
    1. Giving Snowflake
      1. Start late November
      1. Coordinators: Mia, Tia, Michelle, Malinda
        1. Need help making posters and put up around school
        1. (Christina Welch helped last year)
        1. Keri suggested purchasing reusable posters
    1. Talent Show
      1. Amy gave an update. All on track for December 14, 2018 show. Auditions/previews in November.

  7. Open Floor/Ideas/Proposals, etc.
    1. Morning Mile (Leah Halpert): before school starts, a one mile run that everyone can do together (staff at school by 7:30am so could end by then).
      1. Run can be shorter than one mile. Students keep track of laps and they are rewarded. One-time fee of $2500 for lifetime fee of tracking software. Company inputs students’ names.
      1. Every single morning (weather-provided). Stereo provided for music.
      1. Leah is asking PTA to sponsor this project. Can also ask for community sponsors who would get advertising on a banner. $2500 start-up fee
      1. PTA would need to replace “sneaker charm” rewards when they run out.
      1. School-based program. System would be set up with all students’ names and grades. Questions arose about students being allowed to opt out and privacy issues with giving all students’ names.
      1. Name of program: “The Morning Mile” – probably a for-profit company. 
      1. Leah will gather more information and report back
      1. Suggestions: Survey Monkey to inquire about parent interest; maybe start with a trial and see how it goes
    1. Lego League (Joe read email from Vivian)
      1. Vivian is asking for support for a 4thgrade team
      1. Timo Dygert and Kirk Drake split the cost for this year’s First Lego League Robotics kit which was $801.00.
      1. Vivian is asking if the PTA would be willing to partially subsidize this project. She would appreciate any financial assistance that the PTA is willing to offer and is hoping for at least 1/3 of the cost. She will bring a proposal to the next PTA meeting.
      1. Would PTA sponsor a competitive team next year? Annual fee is $299.
    1. Proposal for new appliances in staff room
      1. Discussion ensued about whether or not PTA should support staff appliances as opposed to supporting more student-based projects.
      1. Amy changed proposal to $300 for 2 microwaves for staff room. Look into donation for a refrigerator. Leah made a motionto approve new proposal. Motion approved by vote.
    1. Projects to fund/ideas?
      1. Monkey bars
      1. Canned food drive for backpack program
        1. Talent show, Thanksgiving, other…
  8. Next meeting November 13, 2018
    1. Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm